Understanding Energy Star Certification

Energy Star, established in 1992, is a program run by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). It's designed to promote energy efficiency, helping businesses and individuals save money. 

Several Quench water systems are Energy Star certified, indicating their low energy usage.

While not all Quench bottleless water coolers are Energy Star certified, they are more energy efficient and sustainable than the delivery of 5-gallon plastic water jugs or single-use plastic water bottles.



Bottling water is not only expensive, it’s wasteful. Quench bottleless water coolers reduce waste and the pollution of water delivery by filtering your building’s own drinking water directly from the source.

Each year, this equals big savings versus plastic jug or bottle delivery:

 1. Saves up to 140 million kilowatt hours of electricity
 2. Conserves 6 million gallons of fuel
 3. Keeps 70 million pounds of plastic waste out of landfills
 4. Saves millions of gallons of water

Tip: For more information, download our Energy Star Information Sheet